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Keough & Moody Webinar: New Year, New You: Habits to Break in 2025  
Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 12:00pm

No, in this webinar Dawn and Gabby will not be selling you a weight loss or fitness program! What they will be doing is reviewing those habits and tendencies that we need to leave in 2024. We all hear the grumblings of how different (and difficult) it is to manage a community association in this day and age. This is true whether you are a member of the board of directors or a member of the community association team. While some of this is a sign of our times, some of this is because of not so great habits we all (including Gabby and Dawn) have developed over the years. In this webinar, Dawn and Gabby will review the three “big” of “bad” habits that we need to break in 2025 and discuss how to do so. This webinar will not be a time to judge, but instead a time to motivate and encourage all of us to work together to establish better habits and practices to make 2025 great!   

Registration is required. Please register in advance for this webinar.

When registering and when you log in for the webinar, please be sure to include your first and last name.