Q. I am living below a unit owner that does not have his unit up to code and has caused water damage into my unit 5 times.
The 2016 Illinois Condo Act, Sec.18.4 (j) gives the board authority "to have access to each unit from time to time as may be necessary for the maintenance, repair or replacement of any common elements of for making emergency repairs necessary to prevent damage to the common elements or to other units."
That being said, the property manager won't do this and I am not sure who to contact to get this done. The board has approved this measure. Can you please advise?
A. Ah, yet another Ask the Expert question related to water damage! Water damage can be tricky to pin down, and it can be even trickier to remedy, especially when unit owners are not cooperating with the process. You are correct in stating the the IL Condo Act gives the board the right to enter units to make repairs to prevent damage to the common elements or other units, but the problem appears to be not with the board but with the management company.
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